Monday, July 2, 2012

La Dama de "Dracula a Spanish Version" (Saturday, July 21st, 8PM). In 1931, six Hispanic actors filming "Dracula" in the middle of the night.

Y el Vampiro de "Dracula a Spanish Version" en Íngles y Español. Presentado por Grupo Manolo Travieso Production (in Spanish & English)

Actores de Pedro y Lola en "La Vida de Lola y Pedro" (Friday, July 13, 8PM), una historia de amor que lo llevará en un carrusel de emociones. Presentado por Grupo Brazeros Danza Teatro (in Spanish)

Margarita Lamas en "Venecia en el Horizonte (Sabado, July 14th, 8PM).  Un viaje insólito en busca de un amor del pasado. Presentado por Bilingual Foundation of the Arts (in Spanish)


"Balada de un Verano en La Habana" (Sunday, July 15th, 5PM). Dos hermanos Cubanos se re-encuentran después de 20 años de exilio.  Presentado por Tierra Blanca Theatre Company (in Spanish).

Friday, June 29, 2012

Don't miss the fun this summer with our Summer Series of Festival de Teatro en Acción with 6 plays from various Latin American countries and Spain.  Plays are $10 each or you can receive our best pricing at $45 for all six , that's 2 whole weekends of theater.

The Bilingual Foundation of The Arts in conjunction with Grupo Brazeros Danza Teatro, Tierra Blanca Theatre Company, R.Y.E., Grupo Manolo Travieso Production & Group Inner City Cultural Center are proud to announce the Annual Summer Season Shows beginning July 13th through July 22nd, featuring the following presentations at the Carmen Zapata Theater located inside The BFA. They will be presented in either Spanish, English or both (Dracula), please see details below or contact us at the below or on the web at

We look forward to seeing you at the Summer Season Shows and thank you in advance for any level of support. To purchase your tickets or if you need additional information, please contact BFA at (323) 225-4044 or email